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Keep Charlotte Beautiful Recycle Bowl

Help your students learn to recycle right!

What: A competition to see which school can recycle the most per capita.

Who: Any school, public or private may enter.

Where: Charlotte County

When: Regular Schedule-October 18, 2024 – November 15, 2024

            Year Round-October 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024

             (Year round has a few days off during this period so their schedule has been altered to   

              make sure that each calendar has 21 days of recycling.)

How: Register with KCB at or call 764-4390. We need a teacher or staff member as the contact.

  • Put out collection boxes or bins.
  • Collect the recyclables and weigh them.
  • Report your numbers to us once a week and post a photo on our Facebook page Keep Charlotte Beautiful Florida. 
  • Send us the last of your data by November 18th.
  • Charlotte County winners will be announced by Early December.
Some fine print:
  • Only recycle what is in your school! If you ask mom and dad to clean out the garage and bring it in, you will not be able to use it for this competition!
  • Clear bags can’t be used for recyclables. try using a bucket or cardboard box.
  • Use a scale and don’t include the bin in the weight. The nurse has the deluxe model but you could also use one from home.
How to up your numbers:
  • Try recycling milk cartons. We have a limited number of carton recycling bins for schools who want to try this. The cartons do not have to be rinsed but they do have to be empty!
  • Get the kitchen staff onboard. They already recycle cardboard, cans, and jars. They have lots of recyclables!
  • Educate everyone around you! We have posters and bookmarks, that we would LOVE to share!
  • Have a school-wide clean-out! No more hoarding from year to year! 


Contamination-Recycling’s Dirty Word:
  • No plastic bags!
  • No candy wrappers!
  • No liquids!
  • No food!
  • No Styrofoam!